An Environmental Assessment is now available on-line from the Nashville Corps of Engineers (http://www.lrn.usace.army.mil/Media/Public-Notices/Category/10561/project-planning branch/) regarding the proposal to expand Lake Cumberland Marina (Alligator II) to include the Russell County Park (Old Alligator I site). The proposal being addressed in the assessment includes:
1.26- mile walkway connecting to the Park. Walkway will be lined with new boat slips.
Utilization of the existing free fishing and recreational parking at the Park for dock patrons.
New fishing pier/courtesy dock connected to the Park for dock patrons.
This proposal was previously denied by the Corps (May 2019) and found to be a burden to recreation and not in the public interest. It would occupy a narrow channel in the Wolf Creek arm and compromise use of the Park. Russell County Park is a destination point for many locals and tourists since there are only four large public access points on the lake-not associated with a marina. This proposal:
Unprecedented in scope for Lake Cumberland marina development.
Creates a cumulative 1 hour 20-minute (round trip) no wake zone in the creek.
Impedes launching at low water by blocking the low-water ramp built during drawdown.
Creates boat hazards in this narrow channel at low-pool levels.
Parking for fishing and recreational users will be used by dock patrons.
Creates a fishing pier/courtesy dock laying on the ground during low water conditions.
Had no support at Summer 2019 public hearing.
The Corps has included an Alternative #3 in their Assessment to allow the same level of dock expansion on the lake side of the marina. It is a very reasonable compromise and allows:
Same number of boat slips and floating boat houses-despite 60+ slips currently empty.
Minimizes the no-wake zone expansion.
Provides the same economic/tourism benefits for Russell County.
Full utilization of the Russell Co Park for its intended purpose and ensures free launching.
To prevent the proposed development from impacting the enjoyment of our lake we need your involvement. Please send your comment by May 1, 2020 in support of Alternative 3 to:
Email: CorpslrnPlanningPublicCom@usacearmyh.mil
Mail: Corps of Engineers
110 9th Ave South, Room A-405, Nashville, TN 37203
Please ACT NOW by sending your comment!